February 14, 2018

Judo legend Mike Swain makes his recommendation for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu sports surfaces.
Mike Swain, VP of Martial Arts for Dollamur Sports Surfaces
For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu studios, Swain recommends the Flexi-Connect 1 5/8-inch mat and the Swain Hybrid 4CM (1.5-inch) mat.
“With the FLEXI-Connect, there are fewer seams and not tape required. Gracie Barra, the largest Brazilian Jiu Jitsu organization in the U.S., uses these mats,” says Swain. “We introduced our hybrid mats in 1988 and they are used in major tournaments, globally.”
As a grappling and ground-based martial art, instructors and students spend most of their time on the mats, so cleaning is essential for hygiene and performance.
Tips for keeping these surfaces clean: