Dollamur FLEXI-Connect Fitness Flooring is great for any type of fitness space you may be creating. The convenience of their light weight and FLEXI-Roll feature makes set up and tear down quick and easy – Easy enough to use the mats in an outside studio like the team at Nalu Nosara in Costa Rica are doing! With the help of their Dollamur mats, they’ve created an outdoor studio surrounded by jungle views in order to bring yoga, gymnastics and other types of fitness to their community. Read on to learn more about their unique space!
About Nalu Nosara
We are a couple from New York City that were looking to escape the rat-race and long, cold winters so we decided to give it all up and move to the jungle beach town of Nosara, Costa Rica!
We designed and built Nalu with Costa Rican architect Benjamin Garcia Saxe, and opened in December 2016. We have an open-air studio surrounded by a jungle landscape. We offer all types of fitness classes for adults and kids - including martial arts, yoga, TRX, movement, dance and gymnastics. We also host all types of retreats and teacher trainings where guests stay in our on-site villas.
The Nalu Nosara Team
We have an amazing collection of teachers that are very passionate about what they do! We live by our Studio Mantra - "For the love of the art!"
We are the Nalu Family - we work and play together - we love to give back to the community and inspire people to live a healthy lifestyle.
Dollamur & Nalu Nosara
Nalu Nosara is currently using the FLEXI-Roll/FLEXI-Connect with a Tatami finish.
Working with the Dollamur Team
We had a great experience in getting a custom mat created for our Studio. The fact that we can roll it up has given us the opportunity to host different types of classes in the same space. The mat itself is perfect for all of our martial arts, movement and gymnastics classes in particular. The interesting thing is that some of the classes that normally wouldn't use a mat like that - for example a yoga class – are utilizing the Dollamur mats to make balance poses more challenging or adding more relaxation during restorative yoga. The mat also gives more confidence to people to try an inversion or acro pose they normally wouldn't try on a wood floor with a thin yoga mat.
The Future of Nalu Nosara
We are currently expanding by adding 2 more villas to our resort and hope to continue growing and inspiring people to practice all types of fitness!
Learn more about the Dollamur products mentioned in this article –
FLEXI-Connect Fitness Flooring